1936 Delahaye 135M Competition Court Cabriolet | The Enthusiast Auctio

1936 Delahaye 135M Competition Court Cabriolet | The Enthusiast Auction | April 29

1936 Delahaye 135M Competition Court Cabriolet selling at The Enthusiast Auction on April 29. • The 3rd of just 6 Competition Court Type 135s bodied by Figoni et Falaschi in 1936 • Known ownership dating back to new, including Roger Tainguy • Handsomely modified to a Cabriolet in 1948 • Well-documented including report by President of Club Delahaye, Jean-Paul Tissot, and as noted in the Figoni et Falaschi Register • Recipient of a high-quality Jean-Luc Bonnefoy restoration in the late ‘80s • One of the most illustrious French marques in automotive history • Eligible for respected concours, shows and tours throughout Europe and North America




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